the daily

poker bootcamp

Sharpen Your Thought Process, Evaluate Your Game, and Play Significantly Better Poker Through a Daily Poker Practice of Improvement

After Coaching Poker for Nearly a Decade We Have Learned Several Things About Poker Players

1. They Usually Don’t Have a System for Self Reflection and Improvement

When players think about how to get better, most think of watching videos, reading poker books, or posting in poker forums. But a lot of times, they don’t have a plan for improving, and they don’t have a concrete idea of what they should be improving ON. Self reflection is critical to developing a robust plan for improvement. If players know what they need to improve on, they can take targeted steps to improve more rapidly, instead of spinning their wheels trying to learn new concept after new concept.

2. Most Poker Players Don’t Have the Time to Work on Their Game

The average player doesn’t play 40 hours a week. Life happens. Work, family, obligations come up that take us away from the poker. It’s not realistic to plan to add significantly more play hours for that person. But what is realistic is a daily commitment to spending 20 minutes on their game. Adding an additional session per week might require 4-8 hours in one sitting, depending on travel time, which can be tough. But spacing out study sessions is more reasonable, and adds additional clarity during the times the player CAN find to sit down and play the game.

3. Poker Players Get Rusty

It often takes a little bit of time to get back into the swing of things when it comes to playing poker. By taking too much time away from the game, players get rusty and are less likely to be able to eliminate known mistakes from their game. Players can’t just keep adding game hours, but they can add proportionally fewer hours of targeted study and accomplish the same goal: staying at the top of their game whenever they’re at the table.

4. Most poker players work on their game in small sprints, not consistently over time

When a player works on their game in a big sprint, like when taking a 3-day poker class or reading a new poker book in a couple of days, there is a period of information absorption - but it doesn’t necessarily stick. Too much new information, or too little time spent on identifying and fixing leaks. The easy fix to this is to spread the work out and add reinforcement. So instead of sprinting through a bunch of material and not truly learning it, the player improves incrementally over time.

5. Most poker players have no method for actually determining if they are correct or incorrect

Even if someone has a lot going for them in the game - ample hours to play and study, and a commitment to improvement - it won’t be worth anything unless they can use that time effectively to push them in the right direction. The key to this is having a systematic way of determining what the right decision looks like for them. This means analyzing spots off-table to be able to look at all the factors and develop a strong thought process that carries into future games.

6. Players lack the necessary confidence to make it in this game

Most players constantly question themselves in poker. And while this is important in some aspects of the game - during hand analysis, for example - players who question themselves mid-session or even mid-hand are never going to be winning as much as they could be if they didn’t have doubt in those moments. A big part of this is being able to figure out what the best line is in a given spot, but an equally big part is having the confidence that the action they choose is the RIGHT one. This confidence can be built just from playing, but it takes a lot more time, losses, and pain. Building confidence through off-table work has immense benefits in the game, and even when you realize after the fact that you made a mistake, you’ll know that you took the best action you knew how to take in the moment - and that’s huge.

7. Most Poker Players Don’t STAY in Poker Shape

I call this the boomerang effect. A player takes one of my courses, their game improves, they start winning then several months later it all goes back to the beginning. The problem with poker is that standing still means moving backward. The games are constantly changing and evolving - this happens slowly, but when players stop actively working to improve, this process passes them by. Creating a daily commitment means that the habit will be there to foster improvement and let players stay ahead of the game.

8. The vast majority of players don’t put enough conscious work into their games, period.

Plenty of poker players THINK about working on their games. Some even plan out how they will do it. But very few actually follow through. Having an existing plan and structure in place for working on their games is the best way to follow through and guarantee they actually improve.

9. Daily reinforcement is the single BEST method for improving poker players’ games over time.

It’s been shown many times before: a daily practice is by far the best way to bring about a change in any aspect of your life. And poker is no different. The consistency creates habits, and those habits translate into improvement in specific aspects of players’ games. A daily practice is also the most likely to persist and lead to long-term benefits over time, as opposed to weekly study, or one-time courses.

The daily poker bootcamp

The Daily Poker Bootcamp is an active daily workshop designed to improve every aspect of your game through daily exercises and video breakdowns. In this course, we will get our hands dirty and take a learn-by-DOING approach.

How Does the Poker Bootcamp Work?

The problem with most poker education is that it’s passive. Watching a video or reading a book doesn’t engage enough of a thought process for improvement. The Daily Poker Bootcamp is designed to get you to critically THINK, so you can transfer that thinking to your actual games.


Step 1

The Drills

Everyday we will release a drill that is designed to improve a specific aspect of your game. We will cover all aspects of poker including: foundations, exploitive play, combinatorics, math, nonverbal behavior, poker tells, and much more. The majority of our drills will also utilize live footage of real recorded games.

    Some of the drills include:
  • Spot Extractions - A spot extraction is when we critically look at a hand a player got into and determine the right outcome for them from their perspective. We will learn about the player’s skill level, bankroll, experience, and the dynamics of the spot that they got into and work through the correct line for them to take.
  • Build Range Profiles - Range profiles will utilize real footage from the Beyond Tells 2.0 (the largest study ever conducted on poker players) sample which contains players in real games. You will be tasked with watching footage of each player and creating a full breakdown of their game.
  • Mistake Hunting - In our mistake hunting assignments, we watch footage from live games and you will be required to identify specific mistakes being made by opponents.
  • What Did They Have? - What did they have is a straightforward but powerful drill where you will watch a hand and have to determine what you think the player has and why you came to that conclusion.
  • What Are They Capable Of? - Understanding what your opponent is capable of is extremely important when you are playing a more exploitive style. In this drill we watch footage of specific players and break down their range into capabilities.
  • The Refreshers - Every once in awhile it’s important to go through a quick refresh of the fundamentals. Our refresh drills will have you engage in solid foundational poker theory and application.

Step 2

Video Breakdowns

After completing every drill, you will watch a full video breakdown where we take you through the assignment step-by-step and discuss what you should have been thinking about and what was the correct way to approach and complete the assignment. This enables you in real time to see exactly what you got correct or incorrect and gives you a level of feedback that isn’t normally found at the table. Also, our breakdowns will be extensive. We are not just going to give you the answer, but exactly why that answer is correct, and most importantly why we gave you drill in the first place.

Featured Video of Real Players Playing for Real Money

Hand Breakdowns will feature real videos of players playing real games from our Beyond Tells 2.0 sample. This is a perspective of the game you can’t get anywhere else.

Breakdowns From Every Perspective

In the video breakdowns we will tackle hands and spots from multiple perspectives. Using WHIB Breakdowns, decision trees, and more.

The Tools to Breakdown a Drill

One of the most valuable aspects of our breakdowns is the ability to see the wide range of tools we use to assess individual spots.

Application Driven Advice

All of the advice in each of these videos will be focused on applying the lessons to your actual game. We want to make sure that each drill leaves you walking away with something tangible to use at the table.

Step 3

The micro lesson

Every drill has a specific purpose. The micro lesson is designed to highlight that purpose and create a tangible piece of advice that you can take away from each drill. This allows us to summarize the key intention behind the drill and ensures you walk away with a powerful insight.

Step 4

The self Assessment

Poker is a game that requires constant improvement. However, most players never know what they need to work on or where they need to improve. After every drill, you will assess your strengths and weaknesses in the assignment so that you can track your progress, identify your leaks, and watch your game grow over the course of the boot camp. Our assessment is the poker equivalent of stepping on a scale.

Step 5

The discussion

One of the most effective ways for improving in poker is through discussion. That being said, most poker discussion is usually unfocused and not directed towards consistently better understanding a central goal or topic. Below each video there will be an area to have a conversation about that specific assignment or hand. We will also be finishing most of our videos with questions to spark the conversation below each video.


1. Consistency Through Daily Reinforcement

How many times have you said you would do something and end up procrastinating or putting it aside? Part of this program is about developing consistency through a daily practice. By putting a specific amount of time each day and establishing a routine the effects will compound significantly.

2. Passive vs. Active Learning (Thought Process)

The boot-camp is about learning through doing. We are going to actively engage your thought process with our drills so that you are actually working on improving your ability to apply these concepts when you sit down at the table.

3. Feedback Loops & Establishing Confidence

One of the more difficult aspects about playing poker is never knowing if you are correct or incorrect. By giving you a drill followed by a breakdown you will get to see how close you were to correct. If you continue to identify that your thought process is correct you start to develop confidence at the actual table.

4. Focused & Moderated Discussion

Even more valuable than the actual course. Is going to be the discussion that exists below each assignment. Learning how other people thought about the assignment gives us some great insight into how other players approach and think about the game. Also, whenever you write down your actual thought process or have to justify the lines you took in a specific spot, it will strengthen your game.

At the End of Poker Bootcamp You Will Have:

Significantly More Confidence at the Poker Table

When you do a drill and then after see that you got it correct you start to develop a feedback loop that solidifies your thinking at the table. Imagine looking after spot after spot where your exact read was correct.

A More Clear and Concise Thought Process

When you workout your thought process off the table it strengthens your process on the table. Reading a book won’t give you that same level of reinforcement but coordinated assignments definitely will. You will find that the way you think about the game is more clear and you are thinking more effectively at the table.

A Wide Range of Tools and Be Confident in Your Ability to Use Them

One of the biggest problems players come across when they’re trying to get better at poker is that they have a lot of tools or strategies, but they can’t actually apply them when they’re at the table. It’s not enough to understand concepts on a theoretical level, you need to be able to use those concepts to your advantage in order to truly improve. Our program goes beyond teaching you concepts. We teach you how to create your own thought process so that you can use a variety of tools at the poker table, confidently.

A Much More Exploitive View of the Game

Through examining spots and taking a critical look at the opportunities available to you based on a variety of factors, your game will take a huge leap forward. Consistently playing a value range aggressively is going to be profitable, but only marginally. You’re not going to be winning huge pots all the time because eventually you will become predictable. Being able to see spots where you can take advantage of your opponent’s mistakes regardless of your cards is an extremely effective way to boost your profits over time.

A Solid Understanding of How to Break Down Hands

The most common emails we get at School of Cards are hand summaries where someone wants to know if they did right or wrong. The problem with these emails is that they often lack a significant amount of important information, and we can’t give useful advice without a well rounded view of the hand. The number one most important skill you will get out of this program is the ability to break down hands so that you can share it with others and get appropriate feedback, and so you can analyze your decisions on your own. This ability is going to help you become more confident when you make decisions while you play.

Knowledge of Exactly What Areas of Your Game You Need to Work On

There are a lot of poker players who really want to get to the next level of poker, but can’t necessarily pinpoint the strengths and weaknesses of their game. They think that if they learn more and more tips, they will make more money, but this is not how poker improvement works. Our exercises will test specific areas of poker knowledge and allow you to zero in on the places where your game is weak, what your bad habits on, and where you’re performing well already.


In our second month we are going to be focusing on getting you to break the shackles and start to establish creativity and a predictive thought process at the poker table. I will show you how taking radically different lines than you are used to can make a huge difference in your profits. I will also give you the skills.

    Every Day We Will Do The Following:
  • A Daily Drill: Every day we will release a drill that is designed to improve a specific aspect of your game. We will cover all aspects of poker including: foundations, exploitive play, combinatorics, math, nonverbal behavior, poker tells, and much more.
  • A Daily Video Breakdown: After completing every drill, you will watch a full video breakdown where we take you through the assignment step-by-step and discuss what you should of been thinking about and what was the correct way to approach and complete the assignment. This enables you in real time to see exactly what you got correct or incorrect and gives you a level of feedback that isn’t normally found at the table.
  • A Daily Mini Lesson: Every drill has a specific purpose. The micro lesson is designed to highlight that purpose and create a tangible piece of advice that you can take away from each drill. This allows us to summarize the key intention behind the drill and ensures you walk away with a powerful insight.
  • A Daily Discussion: One of the most effective ways for improving in poker is through discussion. That being said, most poker discussion is usually unfocused and not directed towards consistently better understanding a central goal or topic. Below each video there will be an area to have a conversation about that specific assignment or hand. We will also be finishing most of our videos with questions to spark the conversation below each video.
  • A Daily Self Assessment: Poker is a game that requires constant improvement. However, most players never know what they need to work on or where they need to improve. After every drill, you will assess your strengths and weaknesses in the assignment so that you can track your progress, identify your leaks, and watch your game grow over the course of the boot camp. Our assessment is the poker equivalent of stepping on a scale.
  • The Range Matrix and Understanding Player Profiles We will fine tune your language so that you can process more in shorter periods of time.
  • Footage From Real Live Games: All of the spots and drills featuring players will utilize footage from real recorded games. This is a special feature unique to our products at School of Cards and all footage comes from the largest study conducted on poker players from the Beyond Tells 2.0 sample.
    In Our Daily Drills and Breakdowns You Will Do The Following:
  • Build Ranges and Behavioral Profiles of Players: The spectrum of player types in live poker is astounding. Ranges can differ so much from person to person that having the skill of building realistic preflop ranges for different player profiles is absolutely critical. And having these ranges is the jumping off point for every flop you will ever play.
  • Narrow the Range of Players in Live Games: For hands that go beyond the flop, narrowing your opponent’s range is going to the most important skill you take with you to later streets. Knowing the hands that your opponent can have and how they will play those hands will inform how best to continue in the hand.
  • Determine Creative Ways for Extracting More Value Out of Hands: A key component to any winning player’s game is extracting value. But a lot of players don’t spend a lot of time on this part of the game, because when they have a big hand and they end up winning the pot, they move on and don’t really think about the spot again. So they end up ignoring a huge area for potential improvement. By looking at spots off-table and thinking about creative ways for getting more value out of your opponents, you’ll be tapping into this hugely under-utilized area.
  • Review Methods for Breaking Down the Hands: One of the the things that makes poker unique is that there is no “best” way to play any given hand, and there are so many factors and angles to think about. You likely came up in poker drawing from mostly one school of thought. But we want to break apart hands to their very core and talk about as many factors as possible, allowing all of them to influence how we choose to proceed in various hands.
  • Review Fundamental Concepts of Profitable Poker: While there are many different schools of thought in poker, there are some elements that are vital to being a profitable poker player, and are therefore foundational to the game. These will inherently be linked throughout everything we talk about, and we’ll be calling some of these fundamental concepts out explicitly.
  • Attempt to Identify Mistakes in Real Time: Narrowing your opponent’s range is part logic, part math, part psychology, and so on. A big part of making the most of your ability to narrow people’s ranges is having a plan for exploiting your opponents ahead of time - before you are even in a hand with them. Watching opponents and identifying their mistakes in real time with real footage will hone your skills in this area.
  • Identify Flaws in Your Thinking: As you get better at quickly identifying the mistakes of your opponents, you will inherently start turning that critical eye inward, finding not only mistakes in-game but in your actual thought process. Drilling hard, especially off-table, will have you looking at your thoughts objectively and finding spots where you decision making needs work.
  • Decision Mapping: How do you KNOW that you’ve made the right decision in a hand of poker? The way you know if your decision was correct is by taking all the information you had at the time, and mapping it out so it points to the right answer for you. Doing this kind of retrospective analysis is you improve at the game, and reap so many of the benefits that off-table study can provide.


Valued at $999

10 Hours of Live Games To Breakdown

In the Poker Bootcamp we will focus on a wide range of concepts and methods for thinking at the table. With 10 hours of live games you can practice everything learned in the cash game system on real ½ and ⅖ games. You will have the ability to know what everyone has at all times so you can test to see if your reads are correct. There is no better way to practice then on real recorded games.

Live Recorded HD 6-Max Games

Ability to see all 6 players at all times like you do at the casino when you're sitting down at a poker table.

Card Check Interface

Our Card Check interface allows you to quickly identify what players have at any given time so you can practice more efficiently.

The Ultimate Practice

You don’t have to set a foot into a casino to practice. You can narrow opponents range, pick off bluffs, and evaluate each player from the comfort of your own home. Something that isn’t available anywhere else.

Determine How Good You Are At Hand Reading

Our open game format allows you to fully evaluate your ability to read your opponents. Sit down and narrow your opponents ranges. Determine if you were correct or not instantly. It’s an amazing way to boost your confidence and your ability to read opponents at the table.


30 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee

Listen, let’s be clear here. I can’t guarantee that you are all of a sudden going to turn into the best poker player in the world. Anyone selling you any product that guarantees stuff like that is full of shit.

What I can guarantee is that if you take the training and do the work, The Poker Bootcamp will significantly help you game stay strong consistently. Poker skill is a muscle, the more you exercise it, the stronger it gets, but it's consistency that keeps it strong. I am so confident in what I am offering because I have personally seen the incredile results experienced by hundreds of players who take our courses.

And let me say this one last time: there is absolutely NO RISK. If you are not amazed at the quality of The Poker Bootcamp - send us an email at any time time during the first 30 days and I will give you a full refund. No questions asked. No hard feelings.

Blake Eastman

Creator of The Poker Bootcamp


30 day bootcamp


30 Day Access to the Bootcamp


30 Unique Drills


30 Video Breakdowns


30 Micro Lessons


Comments + Q & A Forum


30 Day Money Back Guarantee


Bonus Drills


10 Hours of Live Games


Premium Support


60 day bootcamp


60 Day Access to the Bootcamp


60 Unique Drills


60 Video Breakdowns


60 Micro Lessons


Comments + Q & A Forum


30 Day Money Back Guarantee


5 Bonus Drills


10 Hours of Live Games


Premium Support


Most Popular and Greatest Value

90 day bootcamp


90 Day Access to the Bootcamp


90 Unique Drills


90 Video Breakdowns


90 Micro Lessons


Comments + Q & A Forum


30 Day Money Back Guarantee


10 Bonus Drills


10 Hours of Live Games


Premium Support


Frequently Asked Questions

What happens when it ends? Do I lose access to everything?

No. You will have LIFETIME access to all content once the Bootcamp is over.

Why can’t I just join later?

The Poker Bootcamp is a daily program that starts on [insert date], so there is a set content release schedule. If wait until later you will miss some of the daily assignments and discussions.

What if I don’t like the course? Can I get my money back?

Yes, of course. All of our products offer a full, 30-day money back guarantee. If you don't like the program for any reason you can get a full refund if you are in the 30-day window.

Will I meet other poker players?

Definitely. A huge part of this program is creating a community that will help you discuss and analyse decisions even after Bootcamp is over. We have a full forum where you can discuss strategy, your progress in the course, meet some poker friends and more.

I get bored easily, how is an online program gonna keep my attention?

This might be one of the reasons you are probably stuck at good. Our assignments are designed to be engaging and guarantee that you are focused while doing them. Also, we are training your ability to process and absorb as much information as possible so you aren’t actually bored at the table.

When is the content released?

Content will be released on a daily basis. This includes written assignments, breakdowns, and a mini lesson.

I’m busy. What if I start to fall behind?

We understand that life happens. The Poker Bootcamp is set up so you’re making a small daily commitment, so it will be easier to stay on track. However, if you miss a couple of days it should also be easy to get back on track if you fall off because the time commitment is small.

How much time will I have to dedicate to each assignment?

The daily time commitment for The Poker Bootcamp is between 15-25 minutes. You will have one short assignment to complete, and two short videos to watch. It is meant to be attainable, continuous improvement.

What if I have questions, will there be people that I can go to?

We are here to make sure that your questions get answered. If you have any questions about specific content covered, you can ask in the sections underneath each assignment. For general questions, we have the Q&A forum. You can also use our internal messaging system to ask us a question directly at any time.

Will I get access to the entire course all at once?

No, Poker Bootcamp is supposed to be daily reinforcement. Each day new videos and assignments will be posted. You will be able to access current videos for the day and any previous videos, but videos for future days will not be available. At the end of the program, all videos will be available to you for the lifetime of your membership.

How is School of Cards different from other poker training sites?

Poker training sites give you lots of information. The problem is that it’s hard to do anything with information when you have no guidance. You can learn poker concepts anywhere, but there are very few places that teach you how to APPLY those concepts. There is virtually no other site that will provide you with assignments that you can directly use in your everyday play, and personal support on top of that. School of Cards is different because you are not anonymous, you’re not just another number in the system.

I know you have another product, Beyond Tells, how is this different?

Beyond Tells focuses exclusively on nonverbal communication and poker behavior, it does not include any strategy lessons and is not a daily program.

I know you have other strategy products, Cash Game Fix and The Predictive Edge, how is this different?

The Cash Game Fix creates a stable strategic foundation that you can build on by adding tells later. The Predictive Edge is a 12 week course that takes profitable players and improves their skills so they can get to the next level. Both of these products are weekly courses that involve a bigger time commitment and more content.